ImpactAI: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Resources and Renewables SMEs

ImpactAI is a collaboration project and impact delivery model to support and accelerate adoption and capability in Artificial Intelligence in Australian SMEs in Resources and Renewables; building capability now to ensure a future where SMEs seamlessly integrate AI into their business. The strategic focus areas and potential for impact leverage our national competitive advantage in Resources and Renewables.

We recognise the critical opportunity of the skilful adaptation of AI in SMEs’ business processes, products and services, which form a vital driver of productivity and innovation across our supply chains; and where safe and responsible adoption of AI technologies and tools will be critical to national and global sustainability in resources and energy, our economy and communities.

Consortium Partners

ImpactAI is an initiative proposed under the Australian Government's AI Adopt Program to establish up to five AI Adopt Centres across Australia, to be a ‘front-door’ for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to explore responsible and safe adoption and usage of Artificial Intelligence.